

Vitex (or chaste berry) is one of the most common herbs that are used to treat fertility complications in females. This has a recorded use back the Greek time period. The Greek doctors recorded use of this herb in situations of external healing of wounds, spleen complications and even child birth. Since then in early English history it was known to be used to spark lactation in new mothers. Some scientists say that this drug may suppress the libido but there is not any research to support this belief. Presently this herb is being used in order to increase fertility odds. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

What is vitex?

Vitex is used for multiple things in relation to the female’s menstrual cycle. Such as:

*female infertility
*PMS Symptoms
*Acne (related to the cycle)
*Fibrocystic Breast Disease
*Heavy Menstruation
*Menopausal Symptoms

What is vitex used for?

The most common of these uses is the female infertility treatments. How does it do this? Technically vitex does not contain actual hormones, rather; it stimulates progesterone development by stimulating the release of the luteinizing hormone. This hormone is released for the pituitary gland. Vitex itself may also be used to balance the hormones; this comes in handy with such things as Premenstrual Symptoms and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Having a steady cycle and ovulating on a schedule is the first big step to conceiving successfully. If you ovulate regularly and do not have an imbalance of hormones during the luteal phase of your cycle then things with the reproductive system run smoother and allow fertilization of the egg, and implantation in the uterus.

How effective is it?

You might just be surprised to learn that there are rarely complaints of ineffectiveness and the cycle tends to balance out after the third or fourth menstrual cycle. For some women however, this may take upwards of six months. If you do decide to try Vitex please seek medical advice first. The amount of vitex you need will vary from any other woman. Sort of how “no two snowflakes are the same” the same goes with every female- no two are the same. Vitex can be taken daily for 18 consecutive months or until pregnancy occurs.

What are the side effects?

But with all good things there comes a price, in this case it is the side effects. These may not be present in some women and others may have them all. That all goes back to the snowflake thing. These side effects only affect 1-2% of women who are taking vitex:

*gastrointestinal virus
*skin reactions
*severe headaches
*small shifts in the cycle at the beginning of the medication
*women with a history of depression should speak to their doctor before use.

Does it need a doctor’s prescription?

It is very important that this herb is not consumed while you are taking any medication that contains progesterone, such as birth control pills. Speak with your doctor before consuming if you are on medications and you are not 100% for sure what that medication contains.

Vitex and pregnancy

When it comes to Vitex and being pregnant, it is believed to be able to prevent miscarriages. After speaking to your doctor, it should be safe to take until the end of the third month of pregnancy. This may help prevent a miscarriage or reoccurring miscarriages. Please speak with your doctor before beginning this medication.

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